Wednesday, June 14, 2017

All ESL Classes - Summer Study Assignment

All students who will be in ESL next year, click on this link for your summer study assignment.
This document is a template you can use to make your study log.


My end-of-year message to all of you,

First, I'm so proud of each and every student and how much you have all grown this year. Everyone is getting better at English, and I'm so happy to be here with you to watch it happen. That's also why it is so important to make sure you keep reading, writing, speaking and listening in English over the summer. Here is my advice:

Your summer assignment is to practice English (formally) at least once a week. But....

Try to use English (informally) at least once a day, every day. Listen to a song, text a friend, watch a TV show, or read a book or a magazine article. This will help you continue to learn new words, understand more, and stay comfortable with what you have already learned.

Have a great summer, and I'll see you in September!

Thanks for making this year special,
Mr. Mandel

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